Detecting & Diagnosing Glaucoma
At Northern Vision Care, we use state-of-the-art technology to assist us in protecting and preserving your vision. Tonometry is a diagnostic tool we utilize to measure your eyes’ internal pressure, a telltale sign characteristic of glaucoma. The types of tonometry we use include:
Non-Contact Tonometry
Non-contact tonometry uses a small puff of air (sometimes called the “puff test”) to measure your intraocular pressure. The air puff flattens a part of your cornea and calculates how much force is necessary to do so. Non-contact tonometry is non-invasive and does not require numbing drops before the test.
Goldmann Applanation Tonometry
Goldmann Applanation Tonometry is another way to measure your eyes’ internal pressure. The device combines a slit lamp equipped with forehead and chin supports for you to rest on. A small flat-tipped cone will then momentarily flatten a part of your cornea to measure your internal eye pressure. You will need numbing eye drops for Goldmann Applanation Tonometry to ensure the test is comfortable.