Contact Lens Exams & Fittings in Fort St. John & Dawson Creek

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Clarity Without the Bulk

If you have a refractive error like myopia or hyperopia, you are probably no stranger to wearing glasses. However, some lifelong glasses-wearers may be interested in a change. So what is the alternative?

Contact lenses are thin plastic discs worn directly on the eye to provide crisp, clear vision. They are excellent options for individuals that lead active lifestyles or work specific jobs where eyeglasses can get in the way. Contact lenses are typically easy to get used to and comfortable to wear, but it is always best to consult your optometrist to see if they are a good option for you.

If contact lenses interest you, please give our optometrist in Fort St. John and Dawson Creek a call or use our online booking form to book your appointment today!

Are Contact Lenses a Good Fit?

At Northern Vision Care, we use specific diagnostic tests to measure your eyes and recommend the right contact lenses for you.

Some of the technology we use during our contact lens fittings include:

Corneal Topography

Corneal topography is a specialized test that generates a 3D image of your cornea, similar to a 3D map of the earth. Any abnormalities will show up on the test like a mountain would on a topographic map.

Corneal topography is an excellent test to indicate any corneal disorders that may make standard contact lens wear uncomfortable.

Corneal Optical Coherence Tomography

Although ocular coherence tomography was not developed for contact lens fittings, it can provide a precise analysis of the eye’s shape. This non-invasive imaging technology takes high-resolution cross-section images of the eye, which allows us to measure specific angles and recommend the best fitting contact lens.

Specialty Contact Lenses

We pride ourselves on having a well-rounded selection of specialty contact lenses. It is important for us to find a comfortable fit and give you the crystal clear vision you hope for.

Scleral lenses are larger than average contact lenses and are excellent for individuals with corneal irregularities. They are made from the same material as standard rigid gas permeable lenses but are much larger in diameter.

They vault over the cornea and rest on the whites of the eyes, leaving a space between the back of the lens and the front of the eye. These lenses create a smooth surface for light to enter the eye and leave a reservoir for fluid to continually bathe the cornea, which is excellent for individuals with dry eye disease.

Orthokeratology or Ortho-K lenses are specially designed lenses worn overnight to reshape the surface of your eye. The lenses apply gentle pressure to the cornea to temporarily reshape it and correct refractive errors like myopia.

The lenses are removed during the day to see the lens’ effects and replaced at night to be worn while you sleep. The results from orthokeratology can be maintained with continuous wear, but the effects can be reversed if you stop wearing them.

Brands We Carry

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The options are nearly endless when it comes to ACUVUE® brand contact lenses – the #1 contact lens brand in the world. Long-lasting comfort and clear vision can be yours with a contact lens in the ACUVUE® brand family.

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Air Optix

Utilizing silicon hydrogel technology, Air Optix contact lenses are well known for comfort and oxygen permeability. They are available in a variety of prescriptions and varieties, including toric lenses.

Book Your Appointment Today!

If you are interested in contact lenses, we would be happy to help. Give us a call or use our online booking form to book your appointment today!

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Our Locations

Fort St. John

Contact Information


9808-101st Avenue
Fort St. John, BC V1J 2B2

Our Hours

8 AM5 PM
8 AM5 PM
8 AM5 PM
8 AM5 PM
8 AM5 PM

Dawson Creek

Contact Information


1017-103rd Avenue
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 2G6

Our Hours

9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM

*Closed from 12 pm to 1 pm daily.

Contact Information


9808-101st Avenue
Fort St. John, BC V1J 2B2

Contact Information


1017-103rd Avenue
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 2G6

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