Dry Eye Treatment in Fort St. John & Dawson Creek

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Bring Moisture Back to Your Life

Dry eye disease is a progressive condition that can cause incredible eye discomfort. The condition is caused by a lack of good quality tears, which can occur for various reasons. Without the right treatment, dry eye disease can lead to an increased risk of corneal inflammation and eye infections.

Dry eye disease can cause your eyes to feel overly dry, scratchy, or gritty. Contact lenses may also feel increasingly uncomfortable and irritated if you have dry eye symptoms.

Our eye doctor in Fort St. John and Dawson Creek wants you to find relief from dry, uncomfortable eyes. We use a range of specialized diagnostic tools to detect, diagnose, and treat your dry eye symptoms at the source. If you would like to book an appointment, please give us a call or use our online booking form!

What Causes Dry Eye?

The Tear Film

Your tears keep your eyes lubricated and comfortable. The tear film spreads across the surface of your eye every time you blink, which helps to wash away bacteria and focus light.

The tear film includes 3 layers, but if 1 is out of balance, it will not keep your eyes adequately moistened.

External Causes

Most cases of dry eye disease result from internal factors, such as blocked meibomian glands or blepharitis. However, many external factors can also play a big role in your symptoms and their severity. Some external factors include:

  • Climate
  • Age
  • Medications
  • Sex
  • Skin & Eyelid Disorders
  • System Disorders

Treating Dry Eye

At Northern Vision Care, we offer a few dry eye disease treatments to help you find relief.

Artificial tears are eye drops used to bring moisture back to your eyes and provide temporary relief from dry eye symptoms. We will recommend a type that is best suited to your eyes, lifestyle, and symptoms.

Bruder Moist Heat Eye Compresses are a natural way to provide relief for dry eye symptoms. When you microwave the compress, the little beads inside it absorb water from the air to give a soothing moist heat when you place it over your eyes.

Proper nutrition and a diet full of the right minerals and nutrients can help mitigate dry eye symptoms. We can give you an appropriate recommendation for what nutritional supplements you can work into your diet. Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D are great supplements that can help your eyes feel lubricated and moist.

Book Your Appointment Today!

If your dry eyes are bothering you, we would love to help. Please give us a call or use our online booking form to book your appointment today!

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Our Locations

Fort St. John

Contact Information


9808-101st Avenue
Fort St. John, BC V1J 2B2

Our Hours

8 AM5 PM
8 AM5 PM
8 AM5 PM
8 AM5 PM
8 AM5 PM

Dawson Creek

Contact Information


1017-103rd Avenue
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 2G6

Our Hours

9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM

*Closed from 12 pm to 1 pm daily.

Contact Information


9808-101st Avenue
Fort St. John, BC V1J 2B2

Contact Information


1017-103rd Avenue
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 2G6

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